Expected Beneficiaries Activities and Benefits of Entrepreneurs

Duration:00 sec
Added:August 09 2022
Author:Charles Vincent Kaluwasha
Steward Mankanse outlined the activities that the beneficiaries were expected to undertake and the benefit thereof. EDC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Steward Makanse, outlined the activities that the beneficiaries were expected to undertake and the benefits thereof. He did delivered hid task through a PowerPoint pictorial presentation. He said that as beneficiaries of EDC/CJ Investments entrepreneurship programme, they would be placed on a twelve (12) month pathway during which period, they would be attending training meetings on entrepreneurship and small business management in their respective entrepreneurship clubs at-least twice a week, they would be attending business coaching and mentorship sessions; either virtually or physically, they would be attending various business events including fairs, expos, symposiums, and business clinics. They would also be involved in developing business plans and work in the industry on an attachment and rotational basis. He further stated that they would also be expected to be doing mandatory marketing and selling of both goods and services from different companies sitting on the programme as strategic partners. They also needed to be conducting fundraising activities and doing business. He further stated that they would be expected to be involved in various community and social activities including sports, cleaning public places, helping the needy etc