slow 2

Duration:57 sec
Added:November 30 -1
Author:Joel Therien
Frank Heath
6 years ago

You're on to it Joel.... I live in New Zealand and thought the problem was due to something clearly understand that when referring others to view something you regard as "special" you expect it to be easy to understand and fire-up immediately.

Nigel Pearcey
6 years ago

Hi Joel, I feel your frustration at having these things done right because if it is done at all then it should be done properly and like many others I have found it extremely difficult to get any video from you and that makes it wrong for me to pass it on to anyone else.
So am happy to wait a little longer to have a clean fast loading video rather than have something that we cannot use.

Theo T. Davison-Sanchez
6 years ago

I think that it's cool that you are worried about how fast the video is loading. I like the videos that load fast might be the software embedded in to the video or the link itself.

6 years ago

I joined then unjoined as i didnt understand things and what you have just showed on these videos wasnt available to some of your videos thatcame in my emails showed free area yet it cost me 49 then 29 then 100 to just see and then therewas no acces to the aboth information...therefore how was i supposed to pass this on?

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