How Slimberry Wela Successline Works!

Duration:03:55 min
Added:January 04 2012
Wela-Slimberry - A $2000 - $8000 Per Month Working From Your Own Home!/nThis is the opportunity you've been waiting for! But, it's no longer time to wait--it's time to act! Want to create financial prosperity and wealth in your life? Act now! Want to achieve great success and financial well being? Act now! Want to live the life you've always dreamt of? Act now!/nSlim Berry's plan is very low risk with extremely high rewards. It is open to everyone, no matter what age, financial status, education, or experience, and it promotes solid ethical values that people are hungry for today, more than ever. It provides access to international markets, significant tax advantages, and a proven path for developing residual income./nWe promise to build your new WELA business to produce a guaranteed bonus!/n's No lie! Because some other Tour Taker below you will upgrade, and when you register you are entitled to a bonus. But you must upgrade to Paid Member (only $49.95) before our current weekly deadline cycle ends./nWe will not ask you for a penny until you take a tour! Just take a wait-and-see attitude, while we prove that SlimberryPro/WELA really works. You will get proof! When you see how many people after you take the tour actually upgrade./nUrgent: You must upgrade to Member before the end of our current deadline cycle on Thursday night. Orders are processed on Thursday morning, at 12 a.m. If you fail to order, the effect on your wealth could be dire. Your new Member and others who have upgraded during the current weekly cycle will jump over you in the SuccessLine. When that happens, you won't collect the bonus due you. And you'll never be able to earn any money from sales they make in the future. Think of the consequences if one of the other new Members turns out to be the next e-commerce celebrity./nGrab your guaranteed bonus. Upgrade to Paid Member: Click here to join our other WELA Team Members: your success, /nAnton Lesnyak
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