8 Minute Trader Compensation Overview

Duration:00 sec
Added:July 15 2022
Author:Demetrice Etheridge
Simple 3 step process to create your FREE 8 Minute MT4 Trading account... Step 1. Click on this link https://youngevity.com/us_en/preferred-customer-account.html THEN Click "Add to Cart" Then upper right top of screen click on " CART" THEN Click on " Review cart & Checkout tab" Then Click the " Continue to Checkout" tab. Step 2. It will ask you "Who referred you to youngevity?" Use this username as your answer in that box: askcoachd NEXT click submit (IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE THAT YOUR Sponsor's Name Appears OR THEY WILL NOT GET CREDIT!!!!!!) Step 3. Fill out form put your credentials and credit card info for free spot (Note: put in valid card credentials and submit but the system will not actually charge you when creating free account) Once you do this you'll have your own account. You should then go back to youngevity.com and follow the same steps to make sure YOUR USERNAME shows YOUR NAME as enroller! THEN you'll be able to send these instructions to your personals and they can follow the same steps but you need to put YOUR USERNAME in the instructions so they sign up with you instead of me!
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