On 03/01/2025, ZRN16 members held a planning meeting on how to run their networking group. Many strategies were planned, especially how to support Mufulira School of Nursing in 2025 and beyond.
1. Financial Report AGENDA
2. Arrears for monthly subscriptions
3. Village Banking 4. New Office Bearer Elections
5. A.O.B.
The secretary led a prayer to begin the meeting, and the chairperson greeted everyone.
1.0 The Financial Statement
Because the Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting, item 1.1 was skipped. 2.0 ARREARS IN MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION
2.1 A member inquired as to whether it was OK to pay someone who is behind on their monthly membership on their birthday.
2.2 It was decided that the Treasurer should keep reminding those who are behind on their payments. 2.3 Those who are behind should be able to commit when they are prepared to pay the arrears.
2.4 A monthly subscription spreadsheet that will be shared on the WhatsApp group. Astrida volunteered to assist the Treasurer in creating and revising the spreadsheet 2.5, which states that individuals who are two months overdue on their subscriptions ought to be eligible to get their birthday payouts.
3.1 A participant inquired about the group's ability to launch Village Banking. 3.2 It was mentioned that as we are spread out across many locations, this type of banking would present numerous difficulties.
3.3 Since we are in separate countries, it would be challenging to follow up on payments.
3.4 The notion to examine an investment that would give funds to help Mufulira School of Nursing was mentioned at the previous meeting.
3.5 We were reminded that ZRN 16 was established primarily to assist the nursing school.
3.6 The chairperson was asked by the secretary if he was working on any projects that ZRN 16 could fundraise for.
3.7 This month, the chairperson is introducing the agricultural app Agro-Life. 3.8 If everyone agrees, we could make a one-time investment of K28 000.
3.9 You could pay the sum in installments.
3.10 We could increase the required amount if each ZRN 16 member agreed to pay a little bit more each month for their subscription.
3.11 Since we don't have many funerals, we could potentially add to our present funeral discovery.
3.12 To determine how much money we need to raise, the nursing school must do a needs assessment.
3.13 Since Astrida will soon be visiting Zambia, she made herself available to complete the exam. In addition to discussing the topic of virtual presentations to the school, she will send an email to the school to set up an appointment. 3.14 Some projects to think about include painting the walls, changing the doors and windowpanes, the school library, and other items.
3.15 Since we are thinking about fundraising initiatives, opening a bank account is now required.
4.1 We decided that the election would take place in March 2025. The precise date will be announced later.
4.2 The roles of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice Treasurer will require nominations from members.
4.3 Astrida will create a pollster to help with the voting process once we have completed the nominations.
5.1 It was decided that the secretary should inquire about the well-being of those who remain silent in the WhatsApp group.
At 18:06, the meeting was adjourned after the chairperson said a prayer.
Charity Masanta Nkalamo, Secretary
Vincent Kaluwasha-Chairperson |