Global IT Entrepreneurs Capital Raising Solution

Duration:00 sec
Added:August 13 2023
Author:Charles Vincent Kaluwasha
Investors increasingly focus on alternative possibilities that provide distinctive advantages and diversity as traditional pathways grow more saturated in the ever-evolving investing world. Alternative funding sources are one such path that has gained traction. In this short video, we will examine the idea of alternative investment, or crowd funding, talk about its advantages, and how it can impact you as a new entrepreneur or an investor. Lack of financial support threatens the developmental needs and growth spirit of the entrepreneurs. Largely, this is because traditional commercial banks are reluctant to support young entrepreneurs and their start-ups due to their perceived risk profile and the absence of collateral. This situation has triggered the need to create this new innovative product or mechanism to address the funding gap for new entrepreneurs and small business owners. This is a new hybrid Crowdfunding product based on the integration of Peer2Peer as internal donors with capital, angel investors, and venture investors as external funders, in providing solutions to entrepreneurs. 𝗨𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁❜𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂 Creation of a Global IT Entrepreneurs Capital Raising Solution, a platform that will bring a network of entrepreneurs together to provide peer-to-peer (P2P) funding for their business projects or ventures among members themselves. Capital raising will be achieved through the collective efforts of a large pool of individuals; primarily online via social media, who leverage their networks for greater reach and exposure. This is a form of crowd-funding solution with a Backend, System, Mobile app, and Website Development. Major players Platform/System administrators: EDC, CJ Investments Limited and Averoft Pty India Investors: Angel, Capital and Venture investors Entrepreneurs: Fundraisers who also donate to their colleagues’ business ventures through Peer2Peer Easy process to register. User Registration: Prospective entrepreneurs register either as individual members or corporate members by paying a subscription fee of US$5 or US$10, respectively. Funding Campaigns: Registered entrepreneurs in open funding window launch crowdfunding campaigns by posting their well-concisely written, 4-page business concepts, with a funding goal of up to US$150,000 for individuals or US$300,000 for companies. Project Evaluation: A team of experts will review the project concepts to ensure they meet the required standards and align with the platform's objectives. Flexible Funding Approach: All funds raised during a fundraising period will be forwarded to the entrepreneur, regardless of whether the funding goal is achieved. This approach enhances transparency and trust. Performance Monitoring: Fundraising entrepreneurs can track their daily cumulative donations, and donors will have visibility into the performance of the business projects they support. Operational Fees: Fundraising members shall be required to pay 5% of the total amount raised during their fundraising campaign period. The said percentage shall constitute a platform fee of 0.5%, an administration fee of 2.5%, and a legal fee of 2%. These will be paid automatically at source through a split payment system. It's a golden opportunity to transform your life. But, my friend, this isn't any ordinary Fund-raising program. It's a new high-profile fund raising platform that runs you through the cutting-edge strategies, techniques, and tools you need to transform your entrepreneur aspirations into a profitable reality. All you must do is sign up, be ready to learn, and apply. Now, I understand that you may be a tad skeptical, and rightfully so. It's an upgrade, giving you an insane value of over $150,000 in additional investment and business resources. Those wishing to invest as business partners with a view to getting regular revenue, can do so as this Global IT Entrepreneurs Capital Raising Solution will be operated as business by the system/platform owners. As a business partner, you will automatically be one of the directors/shareholders of the bank, from which you will also be drawing dividends as and when they are declared in accordance with what is provided in the Articles of Association. 
We intend to invite only 5 business partners’ who can invest in any amount from $5,000.
The Global Entrepreneurs Raising Business is a very lucrative business from which you will be earning handsomely in perpetuity. There is a reason why you have delayed, and the handsomeness of the Global Entrepreneur's IT Capital Raising business could be the savior in your life.
 You're not buying a ticket that's worthless; you're investing in a future that is overflowing with potential earnings as a promise.
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