Company Values and Culture: EDC-CJI

Duration:00 sec
Added:January 31 2022
Author:Charles Vincent Kaluwasha
Created with Movavi Academic With EDC-CJI, I Will This company philosophy is based on three principles that I'd like to share. The company culture What matters is how people feel about their work, what they stand for, and how they plan to get the Company where they want it to go. A company's culture impacts the very top to the very bottom. We want you to be proud of being a part of Entrepreneurs Development Circles and confident in your work here. Throughout the Entrepreneur Development Circles training programme, which has been in place since 2019, my colleagues and I will be providing you with guidance and support. Adapting to our company culture is vital to us, so we work with you to make sure you're all committed to learning new skills and applying them to the Company's overall success. To learn more about this Company, your Job, and how to work safely and independently in different districts with minimal supervision, you will go through three programmes. This Company has a unique working environment, and we'll help you adjust to it. PEELING AN ONION We'll use the onion model of organizational culture as an example, which is often depicted as a series of distinct layers. Here we find the assumptions buried deep in the onion's core. Changes can be made more easily to items found in the onion's outermost layers, which contain artefacts and symbols. This is the missing piece that companies do not value most. The core piece is the service or product your business is built on in terms of business. In our case, the product is Entrepreneurship and business management courses. The SoTell Us Guys have beautifully explained it in another way-The missing Puzzle Microsoft management is an example that places importance on its employees. Instead of proving themselves, employees were encouraged to improve themselves. Use your voice Within the company, communication is also crucial. Effective communication can aid in the development of a positive working relationship between management and employees, which can boost morale and productivity. To learn more about our program, We would appreciate you leaving a comment
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