GVO Conference -For Anyone With An Internet Connection

Duration:54 sec
Added:August 25 2010
Author:Jean Shaw
http://givemefiveconferencing.com In this age of automation it's quite possible to go through an entire day and NOT speak to anyone. With internet banking/shopping and computer access, many people never get the opportunity to interact and build relationships. Let's face it - we're all social creatures, admittedly some more than others, but we all need to connect and feel part of society. So what if there was a way to see, hear and chat to other like minded individuals ANYWHERE in the world, from the COMFORT of your own home, WHEN you wanted to, and this facility was INEXPENSIVE, required NO DOWNLOADS onto your computer, you could access even when on the move, and was available in five different languages ... would you be interested? Thought so - me too! GVO Conference launching in five languages on 8th September 2010
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