Bearing Spiritual Sons

Duration:26:18 min
Added:February 05 2014
Author:Providence Ministries
The Creator’s people are composed of two kinds of men; the ger (aka the stranger) and the ezrach (the man who has become as one born in the land). The latter group, Israel, is Yehovah’s spiritually born son both as an individual and as a group. It is Israel who leads the ger into the second birth as an ezrach./nBelow is a 26 minute video about who bears these spiritual sons./nSo who bears the spiritual son?/nAnswer: A spiritual son bears a spiritual son./nEverything in Yehovah’s kingdom produces after its own kind./nSo Elohim blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. (Gen 9:1)/nAnd here is a link about the Friday night series of teachings which I mention in the video on how a man is born into a spiritual kingdom.
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