Everyone has abilities that defy the odds

Duration:03:42 min
Added:June 02 2014
Author:David Ward
As I was growing up, being involved in extreme sports seemed to be something that everyone did, at least all of my closet friends. Extreme sports were something that we just assumed were things that everyone did or would do if given the opportunity, but as I grew older I began to see a distinct difference between those I enjoyed extreme sports with and those who tended to just watch extreme sports. - Those who engaged in the 'extreme' fun we had were fearless in how they went after life and those who watched were those who tended towards finding excuses why they could not or would not do anything that might seem risky in life. Whether it was business or not, the extreme sports watchers were far less likely to attempt anything challenging or difficult - like that of starting their own business or taking on big projects that would require some sort of sacrifice. - Today, as I look back over my life, I see scores of my childhood friends who have settled for mediocrity in their lives and an average retirement for themselves - people who have done nothing extraordinary with their lives that counted for anything or for anyone other than themselves. - May I encourage you, no matter how many years you have lived on this earth, to attempt to do the impossible in your life and believe that God can do anything through you that He desires and give you the strength, perseverence, and wisdom you need to accomplish it. - We only have this one life to live and then we all will stand before God and give account for our lives. What will the dash between your birthday and the day you leave this earth that is etched in your tombstone say about you? - It is never too late. Begin to live life with all that you have in you, and watch what you are capable of doing if you just put your mind to it. - This video will inspire you to go big or go home. Enjoy.
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