Part 5 - The Process of Becoming Born Again

Duration:45:03 min
Added:December 14 2010
Author:Providence Ministries
This is the process which every man must pass through on his journey from a ben nekar (one born in the kingdom of his first birth) to becoming an ezrach (one born into the kingdom of his second birth), as one born in the land. Our Father’s covenant to us always concerns two things, the seed and the land! Passover relates to both! What does it mean to be Born Again? If we are born into some kingdom of the world the first time, what are we born into the second time? Yeshua rebuked Nicodemus for being a teacher of Israel and not knowing the scriptures; where is Born Again in the law and the Prophets? Are there any qualifications to being born again? You might be surprised!
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