July the Fourth

Duration:01:38 min
Added:June 29 2010
Author:Jeanette Tempe
Hey there Hope you're having an awesome day...jeanette tempe here and I'm glad to see you here on my blog site.....Each year on July the 4th, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with with picnic, or family gatherings. Through the Internet we are learning about and communicating with people of different nations, with different languages and different races throughout the world... Bringing the world closer with knowledge and understanding can only benefit all nations. The Declaration is more than just a piece of paper. It's a symbol of our country's independence and commitment to certain though. The signers of the Declaration wanted the citizens of the United States to have a document that spelled out what was important to our leaders and citizens. They wanted us to be able to look at the Declaration and immediately think of the goals we should always be working for, So every time we look at the Declaration we should think about all of the effort that went into the document, and about the courage it took for these people to stand up for what they knew was right -- independence! I want to invite all nations to celebrate with Americans online this 4th of July Have you set your goals? I have. My goal is to help others... reach their goals and to have financial independence.... Have a Blessed Day!
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