Take the focus off yourself to achieve success

Duration:19:30 min
Added:August 03 2010
Author:Jay Dallmann
I was on a phone call last night with one of my mentors from the GVO Academy, Mr Mark Call. We disscussed how to progress further in my success in GVO with his examples of how he learned an important principle that is the key to put your success in network marketing in turbo mode. After he praised me in my accomplishements in building a down line so fast in the short time with GVO, he pointed out an Elementry priciple I needed to refocus on. When you acheive success that I have, we have to step back away from recruiting and focus on duplication. In my excitetment I was experiencing at the moment, I realized that I was forgeting that priciple. I now am refocused on working with my down line team members who have the same passion that I have and work with them and achieving success. I have to take the focus off myself and redirect myself on working with my down line to help them achieve success. Some times it takes hand holding, sometimes it takes actual showing on how I made positive progress in building. Then when I see that they have replicated my methods, then I will have alomst reached the level that entitels me to be excited. Then I have to teach them on how to tech thier downlines to do the same thing I taught them. Only when I see that cycle repeating itself entitles my to be excited. Because I have made them successful and they have made their down lines successful will I ever acheive Financial freedom. Thanks Mark, You have pointed out something I have overlooked. I am now refocusing off myself and to helping others achieve what I have. I am so fortunate to have yoy as a mentor inGVO. I now see how any why you are a true successful network marketer in the industry!
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